Skill Building Program with Great Lakes Center for Autism Treatment and Research
When a youth graduates from Great Lakes Center for Autism Treatment and Research (GLC) – Intensive Residential Treatment (ITx) program and if returning home is not an immediate option.
GLC opened the Skill Building program in the fall of 2018. This six bed step-down program is for youth who have successfully met their treatment plan goals during their stay in ITx. This program allows youth to experience an environment that closely resembles a typical family setting, and helps them build upon their existing skills.
The youth living at Elaine Avenue can do homework or crafts while a meal is being prepared, learn how to wait their turn, get ready for school, wait for the bus, collect items from the mailbox, run errands, work on other life skills or relax in the living room with their housemates. Each of these daily events can pose unique challenges. However, with the guidance and support of the (24/7) clinical team, the skills acquired in the ITx program, combined with this daily practice will help to prepare these youths to succeed when they return home or to their adult home placement.
Going home.
Some youth may return home and others may need an adult home placement. Residential Opportunities, Inc. (ROI) provides licensed group homes for individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities. Individuals live in beautiful home settings, in safe neighborhoods, where they can enjoy the community, receive assistance with day-to-day needs, and build relationships with their peers. Whether we are coordinating medical appointments, teaching an individual new skills, or providing transportation to a sporting event, we are here to serve. The typical individual we serve is someone who needs 24-hour staffing support, and benefits from the structure and personal support that a licensed setting provides.
To learn more please visit the ROI website, ask an ROI or GLC team member, or contact the ROI office at 269-343-3731.